International Projects
  • “Sports for Solidarity” Project

    “Sports for Solidarity” project is funded by the Olympic Refuge Foundation (ORF) which was established under the International Olympic Committee. The implementation unit of our project, of which our Ministry is the main executor, is the General Directorate of International Organizations and Foreign Relations. The partners of our project are the Olympic Refuge Foundation (ORF), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Social Development and Solidarity Association (ASAM) and National Olympic Committee of Türkiye.

    Our project consists of two phases. The first phase, “Social Cohesion through Sports” project, started in 2019 and was initially planned to be completed in 2021. However, due to the pandemic, it was extended until May 2022. Given significant achievements from the project, the Scope and the budget were expanded at the request of ORF for three years. The continuation of the “Social Cohesion through Sports” project, as well as the second phase called “Sports for Solidarity” project, was launched on May 15, 2022 and is planned to last for three years. Our project is being implemented in seven provinces: Adana, Ankara, Bursa, İstanbul, İzmir, Mersin and Şanlıurfa. Our project includes a team of 5 center staff, 14 provincial project staff, 14 provincial project staff and 105 coaches.

    Phase 1: “Social Cohesion through Sports” Project

    Within the scope of our project, based on the importance of sports in strengthening social cohesion between youth under temporary protection and host communities, foreign nationals and Turkish young people have participated in various sports activities together. Talented athletes have been discovered during these activities and sports festivals and various events have been organized in our provinces.

    Due to the earthquake disaster, sports courses were temporarily suspended in some project provinces; however, as of May, sports courses have started to be organized in sports facilities affiliated with our Ministry in these provinces. Additionally, training sessions have been conducted to help children and young people gain a sports culture and integrate with Olympic values. In activities conducted in 5 provinces (Ankara, Bursa, Samsun, Şanlıurfa, Mersin), a total of 7503 participants were reached, including 4.000 host community members and 3.503 foreign nationals, with sports courses opened in 20 different sports for ages 8-12 and 13-18. Among these, there were 5310 participants aged 8-12 and 2193 participants aged 13-18, consisting of 4881 boys and 2622 girls. At the end of the term, festivals and awareness raising training sessions were conducted. During the end of term festivals, various activities were organized for the beneficiary children with the contributions of project partners. The awareness raising training covered topics such as sports awareness, child development, nutrition, hygiene and training aimed at protecting children from negative influences including harassment, neglect and abuse.

    Phase 2: “Sports for Solidarity” Project Projesi

    Our project consists of 6-month periods. For each project province, the goal is to have 300 participants benefit from the activities. Over one period (6 months), a total of 2,100 people in 7 provinces (Adana, Ankara, Bursa, İstanbul, İzmir, Mersin ve Şanlıurfa ) are targeted with the aim of reaching 4.200 individuals over the course of one period. It is ensured that an equal number of foreign and Turkish youth aged 7-12 and 13-18 benefit from the courses. The project has reached approximately 8,400 young people so far, through its main activity areas, such as Sports Activities, Awareness-Raising Events, Sports Festivals, Young Leaders Camp, Development of a Facilitation Guide, and Training for Coaches and Staff. The courses have been opened in 20 different sports disciplines.

    It has been encouraged that an equal number of Turkish and foreign youth participate in the activities. Throughout each 6-month period, awareness-raising seminars on various topics are organized in each city. These seminars, attended by both children and their families, cover a wide range of topics including healthy nutrition, peer bullying, identity development in adolescence, children’s rights and positive parenting, gender equality, technology addiction, hygiene, oral and dental health, and environmental protection. As of May 15, 2024, the project has entered its 5th term. The first 15 days of each period (6 months) comprise the preparation phase. During this time, new participants are included in the project in the respective cities. Additionally, based on participants’ requests, specific sports are selected, courses are opened and the activities for the new term commence.

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  • "Empowering Vulnerable Youth with Improved and Inclusive Sports Infrastructure Project (FRIT II)"

    “Empowering Vulnerable Youth Through Improved and Inclusive Sports Infrastructure” project is funded by the EU Facility for Refugees in Türkiye (FRIT II). The General Directorate of Investments and Enterprises is responsible for the implementation of the project, while the coordination is handled by the General Directorate of International Organizations and Foreign Relations. The communication and visibility process of the project is carried out by the Department of Social Relations and Communication. Our partner in this project is German Development Bank (KfW). The project is being implemented in 12 provinces: Adana, Adıyaman, Batman, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis, Malatya, Mersin, Mardin, Osmaniye and Şanlıurfa.

    As part of the project, new facilities are being constructed and made available for shared use to support vulnerable youth with improved and inclusive sports and youth infrastructure. The project includes the construction of 12 football fields, 1 tennis court, 4 sports halls, 5 youth centers and 1 swimming pool, divided into three packages. Package 1: The construction of 11 football fields in Adana, Hatay, Kilis, Osmaniye, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, Mardin, Şanlıurfa and Batman, along with 1 tennis court in Adana, has been completed. Package 2: Construction works include Mersin Toroslar Sports Hall, Adana Yüreğir Youth Center, Hatay Yayladağı Youth Center and Kilis Elbeyli Youth Center. Package 3: The construction of the Osmaniye Football Field, Adıyaman Gölbaşı Youth Center, Adıyaman Merkez Sports Hall, Malatya Yeşilyurt Youth Center, Malatya Battalgazi Sports Hall and Swimming Pool and Kahramanmaraş Türkoğlu Sports Hall has been completed. These facilities will be operational by the end of 2025.

  • “Development of Social Services for Refugees and Host Communities” Project

    Development of Social Services for Refugees and Host Communities Project is funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The project partner is Japanese NGO Reach Alternatives (REALS). Coordinated by the General Directorate of International Organizations and Foreign Relations, implementing unit for this project is Mersin Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports. Signed on October 12, 2021 and launched in Mersin in 2022, this project is jointly carried out in partnership with REALs, Ministry of Youth and Sports and local NGOs, with JICA’s support and will continue for three years.

    This technical cooperation project, implemented in Mersin which hosts individuals under temporary protection, aims to promote social cohesion and provide psychosocial support through Youth Centers. The project is expected to strengthen the Youth Centers’ connections with other service providers and improve their capacity to identify individuals in need. Additionally, it aims to foster social cohesion by offering opportunities to improve communication between individuals under temporary protection and host community in order to deepen mutual understanding.

  • Peace and Protection Through Sports Project

    Peace and Protection Through Sports Project is being implemented in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Türkiye Representation and our Ministry, with funding provided by the Barça Foundation. Coordinated by the General Directorate of International Organizations and Foreign Relations, implementing unit of the project is Manisa Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports.

    With our project, we aim to reach young people and children under temporary protection and from the host communities by facilitating grassroots sports education and training through local capacities of our Ministry in Manisa and İzmir and to develop personal capacities of beneficiaries, both refugees and youth from local communities.

    Our project’s target audience consists of 1,000 children and young people aged 8 -16 who are under temporary protection, including individuals residing in Manisa who are international protection applicants or status holders, as well as beneficiaries of temporary protection from host communities. Through our project, we aim to establish a bridge between young people under temporary protection and those living in host communities, in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and our Ministry which is a key state institution responsible for organizing capacity-building activities for youth and sports in our country. To achieve this, we will organize sports training and tournaments in selected disciplines such as football, basketball, volleyball and handball, while also providing awareness training to young people in areas like community-based protection, personal development, and conflict resolution. Within the scope of our project, UNHCR will provide training to our Ministry staff and young beneficiaries on topics such as sports, child protection policy, confidentiality policy, ethics, and the “Sporting Toolkit for Protection.” Our project also aims to raise awareness and focus on strengthening social cohesion within the framework of community-based protection efforts.

  • Psychosocial Support Pilot Project in Earthquake-Affected Regions in Türkiye

    "Psychosocial Support Pilot Project in Earthquake-Affected Regions in Türkiye" is funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The project is coordinated by the General Directorate of International Organizations and Foreign Relations and implementation units are General Directorate of Education Research and Coordination and General Directorate of Youth Services. Our project is being implemented in the provinces of Konya, Adana, Adıyaman, Malatya, Kahramanmaraş and Hatay. The application for our project, aimed at establishing cooperation between our Ministry and JICA, was submitted in February 2022. As part of this, site visits were conducted in August 2022 to our Provincial Directorates in Adana and Konya with Japanese experts. The pilot study of long-term support program is planned to be finalized during this process. As of July 2023, the project activities have commenced in Adıyaman, Malatya, Kahramanmaraş and Hatay, selected as pilot provinces and the most affected by the earthquake.

    As part of the pilot project, a Psychosocial First Aid (PFA) Workshop was first organized with the participation of psychologists and youth leaders working in the pilot provinces. Following this, training sessions on Psychological First Aid and Psychological First Aid for Children were conducted by Japanese experts. After both training sessions were completed, workshops on Psychological First Aid and Psychological First Aid for Children were organized for youth workers by trained psychologists in the pilot provinces. Another outcome of the project was the Disaster Risk Reduction Training. To facilitate this, Japanese experiences were shared and disaster education was linked with psychosocial support. Various workshops were conducted, focusing on disaster risk reduction training for youth, facilitated by Japanese experts. Additionally, a visit to the Konya Science Center was organized to make presentations on the activities carried out by young people under the guidance of psychologists and youth leaders in the pilot provinces and to enhance awareness of disasters.

  • Youth Wiki Project

    Youth Wiki is financed by the European Commission and served as the main executor by our Ministry. The implementation unit for this project is the General Directorate of International Organizations and Foreign Relations.

    Youth Wiki is an online platform that provides information about youth policies in European countries. Its main aim is to support evidence-based European cooperation in the youth field. Information about each country is provided by National Representatives designated by the governments of the participating countries and is updated annually. The overall goal is to assist European Commission and Member States in their decision-making processes by providing information about reforms and initiatives. The platform facilitates information exchange and innovative approaches and conducts peer learning activities. A total of 33 countries, including all EU member states and our country, participate in the Youth Wiki Platform.

    Our project consists of two phases. The first phase, from 2022 to 2024, involved promoting Youth Wiki platform and updating our existing national definitions by gathering feedback and suggestions from relevant public institutions, organizations and civil society groups. On October 20, 2023, we organized an “Information Meeting and Workshop” on the themes of “Education and Training” and “Employment and Entrepreneurship” and on March 8, 2024, we held another workshop focused on “Health and Wellbeing.” The activities of the 2022-2024 Youth Wiki Project were completed by March 31, 2024 and the final report was submitted to the European Commission.

    The grant agreement for the second phase of our project, covering the 2024-2026 period was signed on March 20, 2024. The activities for this phase are currently ongoing and workshops will be organized as part of the new period. Additionally, the texts on Youth Wiki platform will be updated annually and uploaded to the system.

  • NBS EduWorld Horizon Europe Project

    NBS EduWorld Horizon Europe Project is funded by the European Commission. Our project is coordinated by the General Directorate of International Organizations and Foreign Affairs and European Schoolnet. The implementation unit of our project is the General Directorate of International Organizations and Foreign Affairs .

    NBS EduWorld project supports general goal of promoting suitable career prospects for European citizens of all ages. Our project will provide special activities for educators at various stages of the NBS journey. Through STEM Centers, the project will work with 21 youth centers to raise awareness about NBS by engaging directly with young individuals. In collaboration with the Ministry of National Education, the project will establish and train a network of NBS ambassadors who will help disseminate NBS knowledge to young people in non-formal education in youth centers. Additionally, after the project concludes, NBS clubs will be set up in these youth centers to ensure the project’s sustainability. Following this, an “NBS-Ecology Camp” will be held, offering young people the opportunity to apply nature-based solutions learned through more theoretical knowledge shared in the centers.

  • “Enhancing Skills and Employability of Youth in Türkiye Who Are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEIY) or at Risk of Becoming NEIY” Project

    “Enhancing skills and employability of youth in Türkiye who are not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEIY) or at risk of becoming NEIY” project is funded by the European Union Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). Coordinated by the General Directorate of International Organizations and Foreign Relations, our project’s implementation units are General Directorate of Education, Research and Coordination and the General Directorate of Youth Services. In partnership with UNICEF, the project will be carried out across 81 youth centers in 12 provinces including İstanbul, Edirne, İzmir, Bursa, Ankara, Adana, Kayseri, Samsun, Giresun, Ağrı, Elazığ and Gaziantep.

    Our project, to be implemented in 81 youth centers, aims to enhance inter-institutional cooperation for youth who are not in Education, Employment or Training (NEIY) and to develop national policy frameworks and tools to address this issue. Funded under the thematic priority of “Education, Employment, Social Protection and Inclusion Policies” within the IPA III period, the project aims to establish a multi-stakeholder coordination network. This network will focus on enabling young people to acquire skills, continuously monitor the effectiveness of employment policies, participate in policy dialogues, and provide recommendations on the factors influencing NEIY rates. Additionally, the project aims to positively influence negative norms and behaviours that hinder young people’s full participation in the labour market.

    As part of our project, a stakeholder meeting was held with public institutions, international organizations, NGOs, academics, and young people, all of whom have a role and interest in the project’s goals and implementation in order to enhance the impact of the planned activities on the target group and to establish the foundations for effective cooperation. Our project aims to work to positively influence and address the negative norms and behaviours that hinder young women's full participation in the labour market.

  • The Erasmus+ Accreditation for Adult Education Staff Mobility Project

    The Erasmus+ Accreditation for Adult Education Staff Mobility is funded by European Commission. Our project’s main executor is our Ministry and the implementing unit is the General Directorate of International Organizations and Foreign Relations. Our project is managed by the General Directorate of Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of National Education. Other project partners are Gazi University’s Continuing Education Center and Bartın University’s Continuing Education Center.

    Erasmus+ KA1 projects include both staff mobility and university student mobility. Under Erasmus accreditation, there is a goal to establish a consortium with domestic institutions to facilitate staff mobility through Erasmus+ KA1 projects. Our Ministry, along with General Directorate of Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of National Education, Gazi University’s Continuing Education Center, and Bartın University’s Continuing Education Center, have formed a consortium as part of the project. The project enables selected staff to participate in overseas mobility and engage in “on-the-job training” and courses related to adult education. Mobility activities are carried out in various countries as part of the project.

  • Empowering Vulnerable Youth with Improved and Inclusive Sports Infrastructure Project (POST FRIT)

    Empowering Vulnerable Youth with Improved and Inclusive Sports Infrastructure Project is funded by the European Union Financial Assistance Program for Refugees in Türkiye. The coordinating body for the project is the General Directorate of International Organizations and Foreign Relations, and its implementation is carried out by the General Directorate of Investments and Enterprises.

    Following the earthquake centered in Kahramanmaraş on February 6, 2023, Presidency of Migration Management of the Ministry of Interior expressed the need for additional resources in discussions with the EU and KFW. As part of the Post-FRIT Fund established after the earthquake, funding was allocated to the Ministry. Under our project, 10 youth and sports facilities is planned to be completed. Youth centers are expected to be built in provinces that were severely affected by the earthquake and where a large number of young people under temporary protection.

    Within the scope of the project, Gaziantep Nizip Sports Hall, Mardin Artuklu Youth Center, Şanlıurfa Eyyübiye Youth Center, Şanlıurfa Halfeti Sports Hall, Şanlıurfa Bozova Sports Hall-Basketball Court and Tennis Court, Batman Central Sports Hall will also be evaluated in this context. While determining the locations of the four new facilities to be built within our project, the provinces that suffered heavy damage from the earthquake will be evaluated.

  • Digital Edge for Youth KA153 –EU Erasmus Youth Mobility Project

    Digital Edge for Youth Project is funded by the European Union and will be coordinated by the General Directorate of International Organizations and Foreign Relations. The project partners are Ankara Governorship and Asociatia Youthland (Romania). The project will last 12 months and will be implemented in youth centers located in Ankara.

    Our project aims to enhance digital capacities of youth organizations and advance digital competencies of youth workers to a higher level. It highlights the lack of technical knowledge and skills among many youth workers in areas such as digital content creation, digital design, and copywriting. Through training modules focused on digital media and content production processes, youth workers will gain proficiency in these technological fields. The training will cover the use of digital content creation tools, software, and platforms, as well as advanced digital design and writing techniques. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to apply these skills in practical scenarios through a digital event camp, reinforcing their newly acquired abilities. As a result, youth workers will become more effective and technologically equipped in digital world.

  • InTechGrowth: New Ideas, New Technologies, New Generation ERASMUS+ Project

    InTechGrowth: New Ideas, New Technologies, New Generation ERASMUS+ Project is funded by the European Union Erasmus Capacity Building in the Youth field. The project is coordinated by the Polish Heket Foundation and our Ministry is the associated partner. The implementation unit for this project is the General Directorate of International Organizations and Foreign Relations. The project will be carried out in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Türkiye and Ukraine.

    The main goal of our project is to create an environment that supports young individuals in developing entrepreneurial skills necessary to establish and grow technology ventures. The project will serve as a developmental training initiative and it will not only on enhancing capacities of representatives from organizations working with young people and supporting entrepreneurship but also on improving the skills of young people themselves. This dual approach aims to enhance effectiveness of these organizations in their interactions with young people.

    To broaden the impact of activities within the project, collaboration will be established with 9 partners from various countries. Through partnerships with diverse institutions, the capacities of organization staff will be enhanced, young individuals will improve their understanding of entrepreneurial environment and adaptability. Additionally, the project will include to promote the exchange of experiences between different organizations and effective adaptation of strategies and working methods to changing market and social conditions. Furthermore, the project will encourage innovative approaches to youth works and entrepreneurial support, continuously improving practices and fostering alignment with new trends and technologies.

  • Social Cohesion and Youth Participation Project

    Social Cohesion and Youth Participation Project is being implemented in cooperation between our Ministry and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The project is coordinated by our Ministry and the implementing unit is the General Directorate of Youth Services. The project which started with a two-year work plan signed on April 8, 2016, has continued to the present day. It is being carried out in our Youth Centers to ensure the integration of young people under temporary protection with Turkish young people and to support their adaptation to social life. Our project is implemented in 25 provinces, including Adana, Adıyaman, Ankara, Aydın, Batman, Bursa, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Erzincan, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri, Kilis, Kocaeli, Konya, Malatya, Mardin, Mersin, Osmaniye, Sakarya, and Istanbul, Izmir, Şanlıurfa and Şırnak.

    The project is implemented under three main headings: social cohesion activities focused on skills, development, and participation; educational activities centered on the schooling of children who are out of school, teaching Turkish language and academic support programs; and child protection programs that focus on preventive and protective measures as well as strengthening mental well-being.

    A total of 2,699,067 individuals have benefited from social integration activities so far. 43,656 individuals have benefited from educational programs. Additionally, 139,437 individuals have received psychosocial support services.